Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (pronounced fie-bro-my-al-jia) is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain, tenderness and a whole host of other symptoms. The pain and fatigue that are associated with fibromyalgia are debilitating and relentless, but this chronic invisible illness involves so much more than that. So many are unaware of the multitude of fibromyalgia symptoms and the effects they have on day-to-day living.


The most prominent symptoms of fibromyalgia include pain. The pain can manifest in many ways such as burning, stabbing, aching, numbness and tingling. Pain symptoms include headaches, tender points or trigger points, muscle pain, muscle twitching, muscle weakness, paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg, joint pain, TMJ syndrome and chest pain. The chest pain can be so severe that it feels like a heart attack. Read More...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Top 5 Undiagnosed Diseases

There are many people suffering from diseases that have remained undiagnosed for extended periods of time. Unfortunately there is not a magic button that doctors can push to expedite the diagnosis process and when the condition is complex the diagnosis can be hard to reach. There are 5 diseases that doctors have a hard time accurately diagnosing. Hemochromatosis, Lyme disease, Celiac disease, Polycystic Ovary syndrome and Lupus all have complex symptoms that mimic other conditions. This is why they are the top 5 undiagnosed diseases.


Hemochromatosis is the most common form of iron overload disease and the most common genetic disease in the United States. There are two main types of the disease. Primary Hemochromatosis is inherited and Secondary Hemochromatosis is caused by anemia, alcoholism and other disorders.

Hemochromatosis causes the body to absorb too much iron and this can cause liver, heart and pancreas failure if the disease is left untreated.

Hemochromatosis is hard to diagnose because the early symptoms of the disease are stiff joints and fatigue. These symptoms are similar to those of many other conditions that are far more common than Hemochromatosis.


Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Deer ticks carry the disease and it is the most common arthropod illness in the United States.

Symptoms of Lyme disease are "bulls-eye" rash, fever, headache, muscle pain, stiff neck and swelling of the knees and other large joints.

Although it is extremely common, Lyme disease is still hard to diagnose because of the many manifestations of the disease and the limitations of blood tests.


Celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with nutrient absorption from food. Those who have Celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten, so when gluten is eaten, the immune system responds by damaging the small intestine. Read More...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Recognizing Polycystic OVary Syndrome

I was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and I have been totally overwhelmed by it since. It affects you physically and mentally and the worse part of it is that no one understands. Too many people think that it is not a serious condition and that the worse part of it is that you have fertility issues. They are unaware of all the things that PCOS can do to your body and your mind. Here is an article that explains what PCOS is and why it should be taken seriously.

Recognizing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

By: Alyssa Thiessen

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can be a leading cause of infertility and is linked to higher rates of obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancers. Although there is no cure for the condition, awareness of its subtle symptoms and prompt diagnosis allow women to work with their physicians towards effective and lasting treatments.


There is no single consensus as to what causes PCOS. Overproduction of male hormones, hormonal imbalances, and failure of the ovaries to release follicles are factors in the condition, but there is no conclusive answer regarding what causes these irregularities. Some believe genetics play a role, others that diet is to blame, and others that the condition strikes entirely at random.


The symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are multi-faceted. Different women will experience different symptoms, to varying degrees. Some of the most noticeable symptoms include excess hair growth on body or face, excess weight gain, especially in the midsection, frequent or severe acne, and irregular or absent menstruation/ovulation. A woman may also, when charting her basal temperature, find her chart is erratic with no fixed pattern. This, of course, is due to the irregular nature of her ovulation. Other symptoms, diagnosed by a physician, could include higher insulin levels or insulin resistance, higher blood pressure, higher levels of testosterone, and cysts on the ovaries. Not all symptoms are necessary for an accurate diagnosis.


Although PCOS cannot be cured, the treatments can increase fertility and prevent further complications stemming from the syndrome. Some treatments that may be prescribed by a physician include – but are not limited to – a change in diet through lowering carbohydrate intake or using a low-glycemic index, weight loss (if the woman is overweight; lean women can also have PCOS), and medications such as Metformin to decrease insulin resistance or regulate blood sugar levels.


If a woman suspects she has PCOS, she should discuss it with her physician immediately. Her physician should then do further tests to determine whether the symptoms do, indeed, indicate PCOS. Some family physicians may refer the woman to a fertility or women’s health specialist. Although a doctor may suspect PCOS based on the symptoms described, some common methods of providing an accurate diagnosis might also include an ultrasound of the ovaries and/or a number of different blood tests, looking at, for instance, hormone levels, glucose levels, and cholesterol levels.

If you suspect you may have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, don’t hesitate! Make an appointment as soon as possible with your physician. The sooner the condition is accurately diagnosed, the better it can be effectively treated.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Abortion Facts for Today's Modern Woman

In an article that I wrote about abortion it is evident that I am highly against abortion. I feel very strongly about the subject and it's hard for me to present an unbiased view on abortion so I've found an article that could do a better job on presenting facts on abortion without being overly opinionated as I often am.

Abortion Facts for Today's Modern Woman

Author: Roland Jefferson

The word is a controversial one, so much that it can't be brought up without some sort of rhetorical discussion following. Legalized after the landmark decision of Roe vs. Wade in 1973, abortion is just one option available to women who find themselves faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The choice to go through with a pregnancy, or to terminate it, is a very personal one that can only be made by the woman herself. Adoption is another option that women must consider if they are not sure After she has been counseled regarding abortion facts and information, and has had time to familiarize herself with the pros and cons of medical and surgical procedures, she can make the best choice based on what is right for her.

Factual information about abortion-related topics can be found from various websites including the National Abortion Federation at , featuring a series of researched guides that cover topics related to abortion facts and abortion care. The safety of different types of procedures is discussed, medical versus surgical removal of the fetus, types of complications from each, prevention of complications, and more useful information about access to abortion, the "day after pill", post-abortion issues, and statistical highlights about the incidence of abortion in the United States and Canada. For instance, consider these abortion facts; almost half of all pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about half of these unplanned pregnancies are ended by abortion. Women who have abortions come from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds, and tend to be between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five years.

Given that unintended pregnancy is an issue that affects thousands of people each year, abortion is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States. Women seek abortion for many reasons, and it isnít just a method of birth control like some may think. Unplanned pregnancies happen, and not every women is emotionally, physically, or financially capable of carrying a healthy baby to term and caring for it afterward. Help for pregnant women including teaching on abortion, development of baby, physical and psychological effects, and more information can be found at local Planned Parenthood agencies and online. Need to speak to someone right away? Visit where visitors can access a toll free number to call to speak with a live consultant, get abortion facts and links to comprehensive information about all abortion options, and get connected to help and support services locally.

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About the Author:
Roland Jefferson III is a web based writer out of Manhattan Beach Village, California. For free resources covering Abercrombie Fitch Outlet, please visit our Abercrombie Fitch Outlet Resource.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Four Strategies to a Quick Weight Loss

Four Strategies to a Quick Weight Loss
Four Strategies to a Quick Weight Loss
Author: Alan Chai

Whether you want to squeeze into that new dress or drop a few pounds before a special event, knowing some strategies for quick weight loss can have its advantages. Below are a few ideas that might help you.

Get Active

Science has shown that if you can burn 3,500 calories, you can drop a pound of weight. On average, walking for 30 minutes at a moderate pace will burn 500 calories. That means if you want to drop a few pounds fast, the best idea is to start walking either outside or on the treadmill. Remember to keep your calorie intake the same or lower it to boost your calorie burning more. And keep in mind that even more intense activities, such as running and swimming, will burn more calories and that means quick weight loss.

Skip the Soda

Drinking a single can of soda can add around 300 calories to your daily intake – and that’s in a single serving! If you are trying to lose weight, you should only be taking in around 1,600 calories per day. Soda has no place in that routine. If you do need the occasional soda, choose sugar-free and caffeine-free options. An occasional glass of juice can be a good idea, too, especially if you need the vitamins from some fresh produce. Just be sure to choose all-natural juice with no sugar added. However, the best drink choice is always going to be water. Drinking water will keep you hydrated during exercise and will make you feel full so you aren’t as hungry. Also, dropping all of that water will give you a boost from the quick weight loss.

Bring Your Own Snacks

While at the office or at school, most of us have a craving for some type of food between meals. When this urge strikes, we immediately turn to our local vending machines for fulfillment. But if you look in your vending machines, you’ll notice a dearth of healthy choices. Most are candy bars and salty, fried chips. If you know this is going to happen, come prepared. Pack your own nutritional snack. For example, why not eat a handful of walnuts instead of a candy bar. Not only are they better for your calorie and fat wise but they can also help lower cholesterol. If you do want chips or cookies, choose baked versions or low-calorie choices. Buy large bags at home and divided into single serving packages using baggies. Now you have your own affordable snack that won’t derail your desire for quick weight loss.

Watch Less Television

Studies have shown that people who watch the most television are more likely to indulge in bad-for-them foods and in comfort eating. Plus, if you’re glued to the tube, you won’t be out there exercising. Turn off the television and do something more active. If you do have to watch television, why not set up the treadmill or stair climber in the living room so you can combine your workout with your favorite shows. Sometimes the pair can be a great motivation for quick weight loss. Article Source:

About the Author:

Visit today to learn even more great tips that can help you achieve your Quick Weight Loss goals. You definitely will not regret the visit.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

8 Risks of Breast Augmentation

When I began an article on breast augmentation,I was unaware of the risks that women are willing to take to have bigger breasts. Here are a few of the risks and complications that can occur after a breast augmentation procedure.

Capsular Contracture is when a scar or area around the implant begins to tighten. This causes the breast to feel hard. Capsules of living, tightly-woven collagen fibers naturally form around a foreign body, which in this case is the silicon-shelled breast implant. There is some speculation that the capsule forms to shield the body from a foreign object by creating a fibrous wall of tissue between the two. Capsular Contracture occurs in 5% of patients. There is no way to tell who will develop this problem and who will not.

Nipple sensitivity or loss of sensitivity usually disappears after several weeks, but for some it may become permanent. It can increase or decrease after surgery. The range of changes varies from intense sensitivity to no feeling in the nipple or breast following surgery. Changes in feeling may affect sexual response or ability to nurse a baby.

Rippling is when the breast begins to have indentations. This is often caused when the implant moves. This occurs most often with saline filled implants, because the fluid in the implant is less viscous than the silicone gel. Many patients favor sub muscular placement of the implants because it offers more soft tissue coverage over the implant. It is rare for rippling to be seen or felt through the muscle.

Ruptures and deflation occur when breast implants tear and/or leak. This may require a 2nd operation to replace the implant. Ruptures and deflation are caused by trauma to breast, injury from surgical instruments, normal wear and tear on implant and mechanical damage prior to or during surgery. Overfilling and under filling may cause too much tension on the implant shell making it more prone to rupture.

Immune system disorders are also a serious risk. Symptoms include joint pain and swelling, fever, fatigue, breast pain, tightness, redness or swelling of the skin, swollen glands or lymph nodes, excessive hair loss, memory problems, headaches, muscle weakness or burning.

Synmastia (bread loafing or uniboob) occurs when the implants cross over the breast bone and actually touch under the tissues. This results in no cleavage and con-joined breasts. This is a technical complication caused by over dissection of the medial pocket over the sternum in the sub glandular plane. Synmastia is also caused by an over-division of the pectoralis muscle origin along the sternum in a sub muscular plane. Over-sized implants also contribute to the problem.

Bottoming out occurs when the lower poles or halves of the breast lose tissue support and the natural crease slowly lowers itself. It is the loss of internal implant support where implant placement with partial, or no muscle coverage. This allows slow downward migration of the implants. This results in the implants end up too low on the chest and the nipples end up positioned too high on the chest wall. The nipples end up positioned too high on the breast mounds and they tend to pop out of the bra or bathing suit top.

Double bubble (double boob or quadruple boob) is a slang term for when the implant is placed under the muscles of a patient with ptotic or sagging breasts. The breast tissue may fall further and create one set of breasts. The implants stay in there rightful pocket under the muscle and creates the second set of breasts.

As I said before these are only a few of the risks and complications that can occur from a breast augmentation procedure. Why are women willing to risk all this to have bigger breasts. Is it a result of insecurity or just plain vanity? I would really like to know. The thought of breast augmentation has crossed my mind a time or two in my life, but I never knew the risks until now. The thought will never cross my mind again. Why do women do it? Are they unaware of the risks? Do they just want bigger breast that bad? A part of me wants to understand the almost obsession with breast augmentation, but the other part can no longer fathom the thought. I don't feel that any "want" is worth a risk that great.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Living with Chronic Pain

Pain is the body’s natural response to an injury. Everyone knows that if you smash your finger in a car door that you are going to experience intense pain. Fortunately the pain will eventually stop and the wound will heal. Those who suffer from chronic pain are unable to gain permanent relief from their pain. So imagine smashing your finger in the car door every day and you can get a glimpse into the life of a person suffering from chronic pain.

When chronic pain persists, the pain becomes only part of the misery. Depression, anxiety and anger all become components of chronic pain. The pain takes control of your life and starts affecting every part of it. In my opinion, this is where the anger sets in. You get angry with yourself first. You just want to be normal again and it’s easy to get angry at your body for feeling the way it does. It may sound crazy to someone who doesn’t know how chronic pain feels, but you begin to blame yourself for not doing the things you use to do and for losing yourself in the pain. Then the anger tends to project onto the doctors for not being able to tell you why you have chronic pain or not even believing that something is wrong with you. You know you’re hurting and that your life is hell, but if they can’t see it, most doctors don’t believe it. Dealing with friends and family usually brings about more anger. If they don’t understand or are not even willing to try to understand it makes you angry…very angry. How can you make someone else understand what you’re going through, when you don’t even understand it and it’s like a big circle, you become angry at yourself again. It’s never-ending.

The depression and anxiety go hand in hand in my world. You get to the point where you just want to give up. Nothing stops the pain, you feel like nobody believes you and you can’t do everything you use to be able to do. The bad thing with depression is that it actually causes more pain, so you are stuck in this vicious circle that is destroying your life. What are you suppose to do if even the doctors can’t help you? The anxiety causes you to become a recluse and the little outings with friends and family seem more and more like torture than fun. When you’re by yourself you don’t have to worry about trying to make someone understand that you are really in pain. You don’t have to listen to anyone’s criticism. This isn’t a good place to be. It’s lonely, but it’s the only way you can deal with it.

Pain, depression, anxiety and anger are a dangerous combination, but it’s the reality of chronic pain. If you suffer from chronic pain don’t stop searching for answers. You can’t give up on your life and you can’t let the pain win. If one doctor won’t listen keep searching until you find one that will.